Why the real time web does not require changes on your web framework and why those changes are actually not at all what you want.
The hidden disconnects of ZeroMQ can be dangerous if you don't write your application to work around them.
A sad example of how easy it is to dismiss certain design principles because it does not seem relevant at the time.
A few thoughts about how design on different levels and how users respond to it.
A longer explanation of why I think that the CoffeeScript scoping is problematic and should be changed.
My current thoughts on the state of Python 3 and where it's heading.
Battlefield 3's Battlelog system is an interesting web application that many of us missed. Here is why it's amazing and worth a look at.
Ways to deal with the Python Import System Blackbox.
Why WSGI is not as big of a problem as you would believe and why framework independent pluggable applications don't work in practice.
The Django ORM feels so much easier than SQLAlchemy? Maybe this article can change your perception.