Armin Ronacher's Thoughts and Writings


written on Saturday, October 19, 2024

Life begins.
An empty page.
A hollow echo on an barren stage.
We wander through the quiet air,
Unsure of what awaits us there.
With work and study, I filled the days,
But purpose wanes in fading haze.
An emptiness remained inside,
A restless longing I tried to hide.
But then a hand, warm in the night,
Turns the dark to softest light.
Two souls meet and pledge their vow,
To fill what life is missing now.
By chance, our paths became entwined,
Through joy and laughter, lives combined.
Soon tiny hands, starry-eyed,
Fill our home with love and pride.
With every laugh, with every tear,
You fill the space, bring kindness near.
Two hearts become one place,
Of love and hope,
a shared embrace.
My gratitude grows deep and wide,
For every moment, side by side.
Through joy, sorrow, pain, persistence,
You bring meaning to my existence.

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